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File List | 1995-05-16 | 8.9 KB | 93 lines |
- {NS
- ╒═══════════[ QRZ! Ham Radio. July 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM. ]══════════╕
- │ Directory of Directories - Select Your Choice(s) By Number │
- ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
- │ You may download any individual area with a ".DIR" extension │
- │ 1.DIR 2.DIR 3.DIR 4.DIR...31.DIR │
- │ │
- │ 1 Walnut Creek CDROM Docs 2 Radio Modification Files │
- │ 3 Some ham programs for amiga 4 Antenna design related pgms │
- │ 5 NEC (Numerical EM Code) Utils 6 ARRL Infoserver Files │
- │ 7 Bibliography of past QST art. 8 Circulation/embership Info │
- │ 9 Lists of affiliated clubs 10 Space Shuttle (Sarex) Stuff │
- │ 11 ARRL Board of Directors 12 Answers to FAQs │
- │ 13 General ARRL Information Files 14 Contest Rules and Forms │
- │ 15 DCXX Countries List 16 Index: QST Art. 1989-Present │
- │ 17 Programs from QST articles 18 Regulatory/Info Branch Info │
- │ 19 Tech Info Service Handouts 20 Volunteer Exam Pgm/Test Qs │
- │ 21 Past W1AW Bulletins 22 ARRL Bulletin Directory │
- │ 23 ARRL DX News Bulletins 24 ARRL Keplerian Bulletins │
- │ 25 ARRL Propagation Bulltins 26 ARRL Space Bulletins │
- │ 27 ARRL Special Bulletins 28 Info/Pgms for TMS320C26 DSP │
- │ 29 Info/Pgms for the DSP56K Chip 30 The DSP 3 Card │
- │ 31 The DSP 4 Card 32 dr.bub tools │
- │ 33 Eyal's FFT pgm for 286 & 532 34 Utilities for PSA sound cards │
- │ 35 W9GR Project from QST Article 36 Ham Radio exam Qs (U.S. style) │
- │ 37 Beacons and Band Plans Lists 38 Beacon lists │
- │ 39 Files from Germany 40 HF working related programs │
- │ 41 Radio related text files 42 Various Logging Programs │
- │ 43 Demo version of LOG_EQF 44 MacIntosh ham software │
- │ 45 Misc ham related software 46 Telegraphy (morse code / CW) │
- │ 47 Domain database for ampr.org 48 Automatic Packet Reporting Sys │
- │ 49 Work packet: PC and a modem 50 Packet Radio BBS (BB) - AA4RE │
- │ 51 AMTOR/Packet Gateway BBS 52 Packet Radio BBS with C-source │
- │ 53 Packet/DX Cluster related 54 DB0SDX qsl/address database │
- │ 55 Packet Radio BBS 56 7PLUS Utils │
- │ 57 CD-ROM databases from FBB 58 Docs to F6FBB BBS and utils │
- │ 59 Language files for Ver 5.15 60 Texts/help files for FBB v5.15 │
- │ 61 Log file utilities 62 Fortunes/Welcome utilies │
- │ 63 PG Programs 64 External Server programs │
- │ 65 Message header utilities 66 Updates to current FBB │
- │ 67 Various utilities for FBB BBS 68 WP (White Pages) utilities │
- │ 69 Packet Radio BBS - G1NNA 70 Packet Radio BBS TCP/IP │
- │ 71 Packet Radio BBS - SV7AIZ 72 Packet Radio BBS (German) │
- │ 73 Packet Radio BBS - G8UFQ 74 The original Packet Radio BBS │
- │ 75 Database of European Interlink 76 Misc dumps of TNC (etc) EPROMS │
- │ 77 Finnish nodes/BBSes/.. 78 Finnish AMPR-NET IP numbers │
- │ 79 PC-Node (Net/Rom compatible) 80 misc software │
- │ 81 MSYS Version 1.16 Dec, 1993 82 The DDLC card by Matti Aarnio │
- │ 83 Files for OS/2 84 X.25 Networking software │
- │ 85 TAPR programs and info 86 Packet Radio Term │
- │ 87 Networking software 88 QRP (Low Power) operation │
- │ 89 QRP-Request@Think.COM 90 various PS docs │
- │ 91 GIF artwork images 92 NN1G MKII artwork │
- │ 93 NN1G MKI artwork 94 Project Reviews │
- │ 95 RACES Bulletins 96 Control Programs for Ham Rigs │
- │ 97 Amateur satellite programs 98 NORAD elements for the satel. │
- │ 99 Archive Orbit Info 100 GIF pictures: UoSat-Oscar 22 │
- │101 KA9Q Nos for Amiga 102 Famous BAYCOM TNC software │
- │103 Bdale's mailer for KA9Q 104 AX25 for BSD 386 Unix │
- │105 Misc AX25 and NOS, NET Docs 106 A version of KA9Q NET │
- │107 The N2GTE Packet Mail Switch 108 Linux 0.99pl14t kernel │
- │109 A version of NOS pa3eug 110 NOS for Linux │
- │111 K5JB version of NOS for *nix 112 The definitive KA9Q Software │
- │113 Installation kit for KA9Q NOS 114 Like the name says.... │
- │115 For Microsoft Windows 116 ANSI Terminal Emulation │
- │117 Runtime pkg for KA9Q 118 OS/2 Related NOS │
- │119 K5JB NOS port for OS9 120 A version of NOS │
- │121 Net pkg 122 pi.c and pi.h - nos driver │
- │123 KA9Q for SunOS 124 NOS for SVR4 Unix │
- │125 TNOS with pop3, callbook, axip 126 Unix (mostly Linux) versions │
- │127 Utilities 128 Wampes KA9Q nos for *nix │
- │129 A version of NOS 130 VHF (and up!) working related │
- │131 .WAV sound files for TNC test 132 Wav files - amtor │
- │133 Wav files - packet 134 Wav files - rtty170 │
- │135 Wav files - rtty425 136 Wav files - rtty850 │
- │137 Programs to generate world map 138 Cross-assemblers for micros │
- │139 Unzip, unpak utility prms 140 Articles on antenna topics │
- │141 Articles on digital comm. 142 Articles on equipment topics │
- │143 Articles on homebrewing topics 144 Articles on gen'l amat. radio │
- │145 Articles on packet radio 146 Articles on am radio politics │
- │147 Articles on space comm. 148 Articles on tcp/ip topics │
- │ │
- ╘══════[Just press "A" to pick your choices or "Enter" to continue]═══════╛{PB
- ╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╕
- │To List a Directory use L 1 2 5 6 7 10 17 28 31 (ie., the Dirs you want) │
- ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
- │Download - #.Dir for Directory Listing of your choice - where the # is │
- │ the Directory Number you want to download. │
- ╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛